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Find out more about De-icing Salt & Associated Products/Services (220)

Find out more about De-icing Salt & Associated Products/Services (220)

What does this framework cover?

This multi-supplier framework agreement covers the supply and delivery of various grades and types of bulk salt for highway de-icing purposes, bagged salt and other de-icing products on a national basis. The framework is essentially a select list of suppliers, all with a proven and successful track record of delivering de-icing salt & associated products/services, from whom customers may set up supply arrangements quickly and simply. It is divided into the following lots:


  • A one-stop shop - all highway de-icing product needs are met by suppliers.
  • Over 1.5 million tonnes of bulk salt has been supplied via the framework in the last 20 years.
  • Direct call-offs or quick, simple, further competitions are available.
  • This framework is compliant with UK procurement legislation.
  • Suppliers have been pre-assessed for their financial stability, track record, experience and technical & professional ability.
  • Pre-agreed terms & conditions and specifications underpin all orders placed.


Fully compliant

All frameworks are compliant with UK procurement regulations, making the process stress-free and efficient, ensuring you have peace of mind.

Trusted suppliers

Customer satisfaction, finances, social values and much more are checked prior to awarding service providers a position on our frameworks.

Get in touch

If you would like further information on the De-icing Salt & Associated Products/Services framework (220), please contact 0788 006 3251 or
