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Find out more about Library Stock (376F)

Find out more about Library Stock (376F)

What does this framework cover?

This framework is designed primarily for use by Local Authority or School Library Services with a requirement for the supply of ‘shelf ready’ library stock serviced to individual specifications. It offers the supply of adult and children’s library stock, including fiction and non-fiction.

This framework offers 3 lots:


Specifically designed for library services who have significant requirements for serviced library stock.

Allows you to set up the stock selection and supply arrangements you require, supported by comprehensive bibliographic and reader development services, if needed.

All suppliers offer stock ‘servicing’ and can support RFID.

Features an increased number of suppliers to choose from including some new entrants to the UK market for library stock.


Fully compliant

All frameworks are compliant with UK procurement regulations, making the process stress-free and efficient, ensuring you have peace of mind.

Trusted suppliers

Customer satisfaction, finances, social values and much more are checked prior to awarding service providers a position on our frameworks.
