This is the next iteration of this agreement and will replace the current Technology Products and Associated Services (TePAS).
Our aim is to design a simple, flexible and efficient route to market which will provide all your needs for technology products and help you to develop end to end digital solutions. This means you will be able to buy both the products and services you need from resellers and the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in a sustainable and cost effective manner.
This agreement will offer the same range of products and services from our current TePAS agreement.
After extensive market research TePAS 2 will further support specific sectors such as health and education through an expanded scope.
Lot 1 Hardware and Software and Associated Services
Combined hardware, software and services (defined in Lot 2 Hardware and Lot 3 Software).
Lot 2 Hardware and Associated Services
Hardware requirements, including but not limited to; end user devices, device as a service, infrastructure as a service, infrastructure hardware, consumables, peripheral equipment, other technology hardware (e.g. audio visual, radio, sensors, networking, security etc.) and services.
Lot 3 Software and Associated Services
Software requirements, including but not limited to; commercial off the shelf software (COTS software), operating systems, productivity, business software and resource management, IT management software, networking and network management software, data and analytics, energy management, audio-visual, security (all include cloud delivery; software as a service, platform as a service and cloud services models) and services.
Lot 4 Information Assured Technology
Combined hardware, software and services (defined in Lot 2 Hardware and Lot 3 Software) but limited to List X accredited suppliers with Developed Vetting (DV) cleared resources.
Lot 5 Health and Social Care Technology
Provision of hardware and software targeted towards health and social care, including but not limited to; assistive technologies and products, remote monitoring, laptop trolleys, screen mounts, virtual reality products and services.
Lot 6 Education Technology
Please visit ESPO's bespoke Education specific Technology Products & Associated Services 2 (TePAS 2) webpage - Education Technology
Lot 7 Sustainability and Circular IT
Provision of recycling, secure disposal services and supply of refurbished/repurposed technology.
Lot 8 Technology Catalogue
Hardware, software and services procured through an online catalogue. Ideal for low value and low complexity requirements.