Technology Products and Associated Services 2 (RM6098) Lot 6 replaces the Education Technology Framework, building and expanding on the success of the previous education agreement.
We have specialist Education suppliers awarded to this Lot meaning you will be able to buy the technology products and services you need from both resellers and the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in a sustainable and cost-effective manner.
Lot 6 Education Technology
Combined hardware, software and services targeted and delivered by education specialist suppliers. Hardware requirements, including but not limited to; tablets, Chromebooks, storage/charging for devices. Software requirements, including but not limited to; commercial off the shelf software (COTS software), Learning Management System (LMS), Management Information System (MIS), Human Resources & Payroll. Services available include but are not limited to; installation, moves and changes, imaging setup, service desk support. For further information please contact the team via 'Get Help'.