Anti Climb Paint
Anti Climb Paint
ex VAT
Tub of 5 litres
- Coverage of paint 1m² per litre
- Helps to protect property from intruders with a slippery, sticky, non-drying coating
- When applied, surfaces appear normal, but slippery for several years
Full Description
Helps to protect property from intruders with a slippery, sticky, non-drying coating. When applied, surfaces appear normal, but slippery for several years. Apply only to areas above arm's reach (i.e. over 2.2m above ground level or areas not subject to legitimate daily use). It is recommended that the presence of anti climb paint should be identified by a warning notice (e.g. ESPO code 02164). Coverage of paint 1m² per litre. Please read instructions on can before use. Black. Tub of 5 litres.