Lot 1 Multifunctional Print Devices (MFDs) and Basic Print Management Software
This lot is a single supplier arrangement offering a range of multifunctional print devices including printers and photocopiers, and basic print management software. These are available via a web-based portal (https://www.ricoh.co.uk/buy-online/crown-commercial-service) which allows devices to be purchased or leased without the need for a further competition.
Lot 2 Multifunctional Print Devices (MFDs), Print Management and/or Digital Workflow Software
This lot can be used to: access MFDs (lease or purchase), including consumables, maintenance and print management software. Also available is the design and implementation of digital workflow and/or cloud based hosting solutions specific to your organisation's needs.
Lot 3 Multifunctional Print Devices (MFDs), Print Management and/or Digital Workflow Software under a Managed Service Provision
Under this lot the supplier will support you to review your organisation's current printing and document workflow practices. This includes management of your fleet of devices, device replacement and exploring workflow solutions.
Lot 4 Print Consultancy Service
This lot provides independent audit and consultancy services, this includes the assessment and evaluation of your print and content management requirements. Suppliers can also advise on the use of software options and the benefits of using digital workflow solutions. This independent service aims to identify cost savings and efficiencies and is advised to be conducted prior to further competition.