Electricity (For Supply During 2020-2024)

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Electricity (For Supply During 2020-2024)

Status: Active
For the supply of electricity for non-half hourly, half hourly metered and unmetered supplies. Select ‘Get Started’ to view the framework documentation. You can access everything you need to start the procurement process by completing the Access & Confidentiality Agreement.

Framework Accordion Title

This ESPO framework offers customers a quick, simple and competitive route to the supply of Electricity for Half Hourly Metered and Non Half Hourly Metered supplies, plus Half Hourly and Non Half Hourly Unmetered supplies; with ESPO acting as an intermediary to buy electricity in the wholesale market on your behalf.

Electricity (For supply during 2020-2024)

Electricity (For supply during 2020-2024) The supply of electricity for non-half hourly, half hourly metered and unmetered supplies with ESPO acting as an intermediary to buy electricity in the wholesale market on your behalf.

  • ESPO acts as an intermediary to buy electricity in the wholesale market on your behalf.
  • Our team will work with you to align the contract end dates of your entire portfolio.
  • Contract based on a fixed supplier margin for framework term.
  • ESPO has a dedicated team specifically for energy customers.
  • Access to customer portal, view bills, data, consumption, costs etc.
  • Framework T&C’s designed for Public Sector organisations.
  • Access to energy experts including trading team and service team managers.
  • Total Energies Gas and Power Ltd

If you’d like to contact us, quote reference no. 191_B_C_20 and enquire at;

Rowena Reid Rowena Reid 07747 868021

Or alternatively use the form below:

Key Facts
Reference no. 191_B_C_20
Start Date 01/10/2020
End Date 30/09/2024
Contract Notice 2018/S 062-136879
Award Notice 2018/S 181-409842
Procurement Type Direct Award