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Keeping everyone connected - Radiocoms Systems Ltd
Keeping everyone connected and communications streamline in a school is essential for the safety of staff and students. Radiocoms Systems Ltd - a supplier on ESPO Framework 393i and for our catalogue range - discusses key points to consider when choosing the right technology for your educational establishment.
The risk environment within education has significantly changed over the past ten years and it is essential that you are always prepared for the ‘what if’’ scenario.
In a recent survey by Motorola Solutions they uncovered that 92% of educators reported that creating a safe, secure environment in their schools was a priority but almost 40% needed an updated system and only 64% of staff communications are “somewhat” prepared for an emergency.
Therefore, when an emergency or false alarm occurs on site your staff, pupil and visitor safety is of paramount importance.
How can you keep everyone connected and maintain visibility?
Whether you want to start with one element such as two way radios, or a more complex solution that links up to your alarm systems or CCTV choosing the right technology for your educational establishment can be a challenging process. We have put together three key points for consideration:
Ultimately you should ensure that your system is future proof and scalable, allowing your investment to adapt and grow as you do. Take into consideration all of your requirements such as coverage areas, what functionalities you would require on your hand portable radio devices such as a panic alarm, and connections with other services such as fire alarms or CCTV for maximum visibility.
When it comes to the support and maintenance of your hand portable devices, or communications system your supplier should be able to offer full support whether that be remotely, onsite or via a service centre for ad hoc device repairs. Having maximum uptime is key, so knowing who to turn to will ensure you have a straightforward process to raise your technical issues.
Ensure your system is safe and secure. It is vital that the information that you are transmitting, and transferring is safe and encrypted. As you select your devices, or system discuss with your supplier solutions that offer personalised frequencies and higher levels of encryption. This will give you peace of mind by knowing you are protecting both your staff and pupils. Choosing a partner who is accredited to leading IT security standards such as Cyber Essentials or ISO27001 will also give you the reassurance that they have the required procedures and policies in place.
You can find lots of information on Radicoms Systems Ltd's website around how they can support your educational establishments requirements without obligation.
Radiocoms Systems Ltd are also a supplier for our catalogue range. You can shop their products below. To find out more about our Telecommunications Equipment framework (393i), Radiocoms Systems Ltd or the full list of suppliers listed on the framework, click here or get in touch with our dedicated team:
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